Self Motivation

Nobody in this world can motivate you like you can motivate yourself.You are the sole person in this whole universe who can motivate yourself and can do wonders..Its not your parents , friends or love who motivate..Its only you who stands with yourself till the end.So go give yourself a pat on your back after doing a good deed. Our parents , friends and love are our support system.We tend to rely upon them for boosting our spirits up and make ourself motivated to do a certain kind of work.But Its not always necessary that they agree with your terms and may discourage you and find limitations and faults in your ideas or work.But if you are determined enough and if you inner soul permits you to to do that, Go Ahead and proof yourself.Sometimes you may feel depressed and may think of not acheiving your goal but ultimately you're the one who'll be responsible for your destiny.Always trust yourself and never regret in your life.Remember , "The Remedy of weakness is thinking of strength".
For self motivation, firstly you'll have to overcome your worries. Ask yourself  'What I was worrying about ?' and try to make yourself free from that worry.You might be facing a lot of worries like failure in marriages, Failure at work place ,etc. Always remember ,'Failure is a part of life and you cann't stick on the success'.Everything happens for a good purpose only.Forget the past and try to focus on your future and make your present fruitful.Realize your potential and make the bedt efforts to acheive your goal.No effort is useless. Little effort can lead you to success.Be a manager of your own life and don't let anyone rule over your life. Congratulate yourself even for a minute victory and use that as a reinforcer for working hard.Not only self motivation or self congratulation, but self criticism is also important.Be your own critic and analyze your self.For self analysis you don't need a mirror but the will power to get deep into yourself and criticize yourself for the wrong acts. The repeated 'Check and Change' in your perception and thoughts can make you develop and emhancing your skills more  in your life.It can help you in reaching the heights of the success. Always remember 'Efforts makes a man excellent'.Never stop injecting in the efforts. Self boost yourself .Self boosting doesn't means self boasting. Don't get trapped in self boasting stuff.If your postive attitude is branding you as egoistic and headstrong in front of others , Let it be.Your work will speak for you.Make yourself count and prove everybody wrong.

watching motivational videos cant give you soo much of motivation because they may alter your brain for few minutes is only you who can motivate you..the best motivation lies in are the best motivator for yourself....
believe in yourself ..

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