Artificial Intelligence - Destruction or construction of life?

                                Artificial Intelligence

                    Will  humans be replaced by machines??

All of you must have seen the movie series of  IRON MAN where the best part comes when the world is protected by a machine from evils or we can say an intelligent machine made by a normal human mind  enriched with superpowers like  flying, aiming and shoot, laser beams and destruction  where imagination is converted into reality ohh wow hhh?

So even some of your crazy minds were fired up with such crazy ideas. You know what, the best part and learning of AI comes when the IRON MAN asks the AI machine named as JARVIS to take action by observing the condition of the so called Iron suit. For the elder persons it is just an Idea. But for us it is reality. Oh wait don't believe ya? Let me tell you how our entire world and we are surrounded by AIs. So take the example of Siri a best voice based AI response client developed by Apple. Cortana of Microsoft is another example we can take. So aren't they  doing your work a lil'bit simpler? Yes they are. The advanced AI entered into the world of  robotics. So what huhh? But what if n number of robots are developed for entire work i.e from cleaning your house - to doing your work, from making food to feeding it, what if they  do your entire work? simply they will occupy your entire life which makes human damn lazy.

So let me get you in to the concept of Artificial Intelligence the so called ability developed by human to make machine as intelligent as humans are.
So according to multiple resources it is found that artificial intelligence is simply the ability to gain knowledge by machines to perform tasks as efficient as humans are, in fact more efficient as well. It is simply the fact that machines will carry entire physical and mental burden of the entire world.Thus machine learning and neural network programming gotta much popular.       

The great scientist Albert  Einstein  once said:
"Imagination is more important than knowledge . For knowledge is limited to all we now know and understand, while imagination embraces the entire world, and all there ever will be to know and understand"  seemingly entire logic of world is hidden in this great thinking. And this is why artificial intelligence evolved. 

Another look'in back one of the greatest mind in the world Stephen Hawking, he said "Computers will overtake humans with AI within the next 100 years. When that happens we need to make sure the computers have goals aligned with ours", indeed a great saying huhhh? So if proper alignment cannot be done Robots will supersede all the humans, that's where the destruction will take place. And know what ? the one who's responsible for all these  destructions, we - THE HUMANS. So the fact is that : AI is having it's very own pros and cons i.e advantages and disadvanteges as well which eventually are limitless. So at a very own limit of development of machines AI makes the human life simpler, but when it gets beyond the boundaries it is catastrophic. The major disadvantages about the intelligent machines taking our jobs away from us while some people says they're just redefining them.

Another one thing - wait!!! A thing which you might  have seen, yes that's right i am talking about the BOLLYWOOD movie ROBOT which actually tells about the drastic changes in intelligence machine which i preferably would like to say an emotionless, heartless artificial human with no control on himself. He used to destroy everything whatever comes up in his way. But initially it can be seen how helpful is it as well ? So the enhancing technology grows and as years will pass, we are been moving towards destruction of entire humanity in the world which eventually be taken place by Robonity finds unusual right ? Exactly this could be the perfect one word description of the future.
Thus the development of full AI based systems could spell the end of human race and will be a new start of race of RoBoTics. But one more thing is that you can have intelligent artificial brains but non-autonomous, they can solve problems but don't decide by themselves what problems are being needed to be solved? Umm that's the reason.

Do you know all these genius minds in the world ? Right everyone's from Bill Gates to Elon Musk, from Stephen Hawking to Steve Wozniak have recently expressed concerns regarding to evolution of artificial intelligence joining by many researchers. Eventually they arrived at a result and said if AI has the capacity to become more intelligent than any human being, then nobody can anticipate what future holds, if they becomes smarter than us. So it depends on all of us how to use the machines properly in such a way that the destruction will be avoided ? So let's pray for a bright and better future of all humans.

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