History of the Aryans or Vedic Culture

( 1500-600 BCE )
The vedic culture can be divided into RIGVEDIC PERIOD(1500-1000 BCE) or Early Vedic Period & LATER VEDIC PERIOD(1000-600 BCE) which is also known as the Iron Painted Gray Wares. The Aryans composed the Rigveda during the Early Vedic Period or Rigvedic period and Samveda,Yajurveda & Samveda was composed during the Later Vedic Period.
The Aryans were the original inhabitants of Central Asia (Steppes Grassland). They spoke a language known as Indo European language and migrated towards different parts of the world in serach of new grasslands and meadows. Hittite, Kissite & Boguzoki edicts are the proof of Aryans migration from Central Asia towards Iran & Syria & number of parts of Indian Subcontinent. Boguzoki mentions the name of four dieties Indra, Mitra, Varun & Nasatya worshipped both by Iranians & Indians. They called their land " Sapt Saindhava"  which means a land of seven rivers.

The early Aryans were nomadic and pastoral people and lived in tribes. Rigveda mentions name of 30tribes of the Aryans five of whom are called PANCHKRUTUS such as Bharat, Puru, Yadu, Dhruyu & Anu. Cattle rearing was their main occupation and agriculture being secondary one. They used horse to pull their chariots which means they were Horse Centric. They grew a crop called Yava (Barely) & were even aware of use of bronze, but were not at all aware of the use of metallurgy of iron.
Rigvedic society was based on Verna System & Verna system was itself based on occupation and not on birth. Hence, interchange of Verna was allowed. The society was divided into three- Priestly class called Brahm , Warriors called Kshata & Producers called Vish. The society was patriarchal in nature where the father enjoyed the absolute control over the other family member.
The tribals were governed by a tribal chief known as Rajanya or Gopajayanyas which means protector of cows. Land was not considered to be an imporatnt item of property or wealth. King's post was hereditary in nature & law of primogeniture also came to be established. King's authority was not unchecked and he was controlled by popular assemblies of his tribe such as sabhas(general assembly), samiti(committe of elderly people) & vidath(committe to distribute punder of war).
They worshipped natural powers & started personification of natural phenomenon. Hence Polytheism was the nature of their religion. Indra was the most frequently invoked god and  was known as the Purander which means the breaker of the forts. Agni was the second most invoked god who is considered to be as the mediator between the Gods & worshippers. The third most invoked god was the Varundev was considered to be the maintainer of moral order. Other important deities were Suryadev, Vayu, etc . Only three female deities were worshipped who were Aditi, Usha & Aranyani.
Around 900 BCE later vedic Aryans stared using iron somewhere in the Ghandra region. Using iron it became easier for them to dig the land deeper & they cleared the forested area of the Ganga Yamuna doab. They started cultivating some crops suchs as Ghodum(wheat) & Brihi(rice) and they started living a settled life. Use of punched marked coins made of silver came too be in use, they were of irregular shapes & dosen't bear any writing or images. Agriculture now became there primary occupation & animal husbandry secondary. They started doing trade & commerce and introduced weights & measures as medium of exchange.
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The Verna system came to be based on birth. Ritualistic supremacy and interchange of verna was no more allowed, it became a rigid institution very less flexible. Brahmans claimed first position within the social stratifaction. The Kshatryas occupied the second position, Vaishyas got the third position and Shudras were given the bottom position within this social hierarchy. Apart from verna related system institution of ashram & institution of gotra came into practise.
The breakdown of tribal political system took place & the Aryan tribes starting forming collision with each other. Now, the Aryans started shifting towards the Ganga Yamuna doab. It was only during this period battle of Kurushetra took place.
Indra & Agni became less frequently worshipped gods.  Prajapati, Rudra & Vishnu emerged as the important deities . At this time Vedic sacrifices started, killing of bulls took  place on large scale.


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