Pollution and the types of pollution.

Pollution is an act of contaminating the environment by introducing certain hazardous contaminants that lead to disturbance of ecosystem and directly or indirectly affect the human beings, animals, plants of the ecosystem. Pollution causes the disturbance of the natural system and balance of environment.

Pollution is an undesirable change in the physical, chemical or biological characteristics of air, water and soil that may harmfully affect life or create potential health hazard of any living organism. Technological advancements done by humans are also one of the main reasons of pollution on the Earth.

Various types of pollution are caused, but mainly the following lead to life threatening and adverse effects on the humans.

Air Pollution
The most dangerous and common type of pollution, caused by release of harmful gases in the air. It is majorly caused due to the direct release of chemicals into the environment by industries. The polluted air we breathe goes into our whole body and affects all the body systems mainly the respiratory functions.

Causes of Air Pollution: Burning of fuels, smoke from vehicles, fireworks, burning of woods, and release of hazardous chemicals or chemical gases from industries or factories.

Effects of Air Pollution: Air pollution causes life threatening diseases like asthma, cancer, bronchitis, lung disorder, and many more. Depletion of ozone layer is also a cause of air pollution.

Soil Pollution
Release of harmful substances in soil is the major cause of contamination of soil. Soil pollution causes an indirect damage to humans and other animals. The nutrients taken by the plants are then transferred to the consumers that depend on these plants. Hence a soil consisting of contaminants will not only affect the plants growing on the soil but it will also indirectly harm the entire food chain.

Causes of Soil Pollution: Release of industrial wastes from large factories or industries, release of chemical wastes, agricultural chemicals, deforestation, use of pesticides, mining activities, burning of trees or plants, etc.

Effects of Soil Pollution: Soil pollution causes direct effect on plants growth, soil fertility, change in soil structure, toxic dusts, and chronic health problems to humans.

Water pollution
Major part of the Earth’s surface is covered with water and more than half of the total population of the species reside in water. Water is one of the most important natural resources for humans and natural vegetation to survive. Water used from a polluted lake directly contaminates its user.

Causes of Water Pollution: Direct incorporation of hazardous pollutants, Disposal of wastes in water from factories and industries, garbage disposal by humans in rivers, etc.

Effect of Water Pollution: Water creatures are on the verge of extinction, drinking contaminated water causes serious health disorders, etc.

Noise Pollution
Increase in noise level leads to Noise Pollution. It is not caused due to release of chemicals or toxins or hazardous gases but is just the loud noise generated in the environment. Noise is defined as the unpleasant sound that has an adverse effect on the human ear. Though the causes of this pollution are unlike others, but the effect of this pollution is as hazardous as other types of pollutions. It directly penetrates into human minds and leads to mental disorders as a major result.

Causes of Noise Pollution: Major cause is the honking of moving vehicles, loud music, running of machines at sites, radio, TV, etc.

Effect of Noise Pollution: Psychological illness, bad behaviour, irritation, hypertension, depression, forgetfulness, annoyance, stress, aggression and many more. It not only affects humans but also animals and many times lead to their cause of death due to unbearable level.

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