BEAUTY-the term which excels in the meaning of being beautiful...beautiful in terms of each and everything..beautiful in every sense..

Ironically nowadays beauty is defined as being beautiful from outside I.e. Beautiful features and perfect body shape...the one without a beautiful face is considered as an ugly person..

it is really sad to see that how thought process have changed...meanings have changed because visions has changed. .it is only because the thought process gap have widened ..people belonging to the era of 80s-90s have a beautiful mind that is called as beautiful thoughts whereas the people of the present generation have a very different mindset that is only limited upto the outer beauty...lost are the values and hence lost is that beautiful thought process...

beauty has two components :-

OUTER BEAUTY-is a beauty which is just limited to the outer appearance of the body..the features..the body shape..the clothing sense..outer beauty is a matter of attraction because outer beauty attracts ...
for eg:-a woman with a perfect body shape and beautiful face catches attention of the people ...i.e her outer beauty is being reflected..

INNER BEAUTY:- is a beauty which reflects beautiful thoughts,positive mindset,beautiful heart&soul and a beautiful set of ethics and moral values...inner beauty is a matter of captivation because inner beauty captivates..
for eg:-a woman having beautiful thoughts and values captivates the other person listening to her..they are not judge by their body shapes and beautiful faces whereas they are respected and followed for the beautiful mindsets they have..this is what inner beauty is...

INNER. BEAUTY is that beauty which has a power to bind the people around it by its thoughts influencing capacity..inner beauty has a power to hold the people towards its positivity...

everything in this world needs a medium to travel as inner beauty...inner beauty needs a medium to recognize its worth...the person who recognizes the true inner beauty is as valuable as the inner beauty..inner beauty exists but is only visible when it is this huge world lies the identifiers of inner beauty..because it is hidden in each and every person existing on earth..the only difference is that some people recognize it at early age and some remain unknown to it for long time..

the perfect example that strikes my mind when it comes to the power of inner beauty is MRS. LAXMI AGARWAL- THE VICTIM OF ACID ATTACK.....

lets understand the meaning of inner beauty through this story....

laxmi agarwal who was born in a middle class family became the victim of an acid attack when was just merely of 16 age where a girl is even unknown of all the facts and beliefs of society met with such a disaster...a disaster that was a sign that her whole life will take a different U-turn now..
yes she do got an immediate treatment...her family had spent all her resources just for her..she remained in her house b\w those four walls for eight years...she could not step out of the house just because of the fear that how she will face the society ..the biggest loss that she faced was loosing her father and at a stage when her brother was suffering from a lung disease..acid attack did ruin her face but her courage and determination grew stronger day by day.. She started to learn tailoring and other activities which helped her to earn for her family 👪..she just shined like a star with the passage of each day ..she is in a living relationship with Alok dixit and gave birth to a girl child named pihu ...she is currently the director of CHHANV FOUNDATION a NGO working for the welfare of the acid attack victims..she was also awarded as the INTERNATIONAL WOMAN OF COURAGE by MICHELLE OBAMA in Washington moreover she was also the NDTV Indian of the year...

her outer beauty faded away with an acid attack but her inner beauty could not be killed or burnt with any acid of the world...she is the true epitome off courage and perfect inner beauty..and so as the other girls suffered from acid attack...
hats off to Mr.Alok dixit the identifier of true inner like him are required most in the country..truly an inspiration for many people out there..and LAXMI AGARWAL the true role model and the perfect example of THE POWER OF THE INNER BEAUTY......

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