Indian:A beautiful country

India have one of the richest culture in the world, but today's saddest attire is that the Indian youth has been blindfold with western culture. Guys, we need to stop emulating the western culture and ideologies. We are so blindfolded by the western culture that we can't even see the richness of our own pure and spiritual Indian culture. A culture which tells us to respect each and every religion, each and every belief and faith. We, Indians know how accept one in his crude and raw ideologies. We are not taught to make fun of other culture another than ours. We are taught to respect other religions, their beliefs and their ideologies. We are taught the strength of brotherhood. We love each other,we can die for each other.
                                        Image result for indian culture
To the north where we found open heart people, majority Punjabi's. Gosh! believe me, nobody knows better then them the power of service to mankind. To the the south, we found very intelligent people, the great scientists and discovers. West and east are beautiful as heaven.The plains of Assam and the hills of Jammu and Kashmir.The beaches of Goa and valleys of Kanyakumari. The land of five rivers "Punj-ab". The pink city "Jaipur". The land of oranges "Nagpur". Some pretty villages and some wonderful traditions. A big pack of amazing experiences.
Never forget to mention the wildlife and the rich forestry. The great flaura and fauna that exists in different parts of India. The tropical forests gives you breath taking experiences. You need to catch your breath while catching a butterfly and the very next moment you'l be running after saving your breath while saving yourself from the wild lioness. Then, you'll find a pretty, strange flowers, those with great medicinal uses.The fragrance of land after the rainfall, gosh! you'll forget any other fragrant perfume.

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