Mind your language.

          Sticks and stones may break your bones, but words will kill you.At least on the inside,it may be. In today's world, where the present generation is ever mindful of the words used for and against them, watching your language is imperative. It's not just words that you use, but the way you put them, that matters. Having a good sense of language doesn't necessarily imply that you know how to talk to an individual. Quite often, people are misquoted, and misunderstood, just because the way they framed a sentence was wrongly interpreted by said individual.

        More often that not, lawyers in courts are known to bend statements that are made, in order to suit their case. In offices, bosses can bend the rules according to the way they interpret it, probably just because the sentence formation wasn't up to the mark. Usually , this kind of misinterpretation, many a times causes a riff between friends, and ruins relationships. It has , and will be misused by the cunning , who feed of the naivete of their victims, to use it to their advantage. Exploiting the vocally unaware seems a hobby to these people.

       In such cases, it is essential to maintain certain composure while framing your sentences, and be alert and sharp while choosing your words. A minor slip could imply major complications. While choosing your words, be very picky. Assess who you're conversing with, and what the mindset, mood and thoughts they might be thinking could be. Keep in mind the emotional activity of the individual, and choose the right words. Next, a sentence should be forged, with virtually no potential for being offensive. It is definitely an uphill task, but can be worth it.

       It takes a while to get a hold of this. It isn't foolproof, but curbs misunderstandings a great deal. Remember, the way you carry yourself and portray your language skills could determine others' attitude towards you.

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