Labels and Judgements

                       Labels And Judgement

With such great deal of lines below, you may think of chucking it. However try once. You may relate. You may even disagree but lets ponder on it
With the decent of every damn thing on this earth (would not mention every of the deep science lilies and emotional tragedies!) we all are familiar of being defined by words, phrases , in fact sometimes it sounds like a two liner jingle  as if made for a crispy chips advertisement. We enjoy that..Being picked or picking others by the clothes they wear; the latest boots they bought from a nearest market to your place and you criticize those boots of being so usual and flaccid(as if Ralph Lauren was a close associate of the critic.).
We do enjoy and laugh our souls out. Don’t we?
However now lets flip the tables upside down.
Those words and definitions do cause a great deal, maybe bigger than a nuclear catastrophe to a persons inner self.
Now opening up the book of life ; yours , maybe ours, this DEFINITION of us starts with the phase called judgement.
Judged of being so casual to peers as you keep your earphones plugged in ears every passing second. Or you eat with  hands . Oh such a mess the other person thinks. Irrespective of the fact that maybe you were undergoing an emotional turmoil which forced you to rely on music rather than any human; or you sacrificed a single available spoon for your pal at the bakery if talking about the latter.
You hate it.. Being branded of a name you don’t belong to. 
The phase of JUDGEMENT is universal . No decree shall overthrow its roots.
However one thing the holy lord( if you believe, or take something else like aliens or big bang) has bestowed on us is to how we end this. Its really like a big menu catalogue. You have so many options. You may even try many of them. One at a time , savouring every single flavour.
So still stuck how to end this. You can prefer vengeance. We will not call it bad. It may be as pious as baptizing water depending upon the circumstance.
Maybe forgiveness. It can be a bad option too. IRONY.
Acceptance and changing. Good if its for the better..
Self blaming. It can never be a  good one. Blame the others. Blame the god. But don’t blame yourself. Change but don’t blame.
Jealousy, its a symptom in fact . Not an option. And this created something called cursing the other chap who laughed upon you. You can do it, if it satiates your heart. But to a level that you don’t end up being cursing yourself.
Pelting stones. Do if the other person can bear it. Or you end up being in jail.
And many more. There is no saint this side.. Neither you are. Good if you are. Better if not. But this is to be realised that things start on their own . You can’t and shouldn’t avoid. Face it. Because no diamond evolves without heat of earth’s core. However the way it ends should be on you. Don’t excuse for the conditions. They are never favourable. Strive. You will fail. Its for sure. But this failure may lead to an experience or a result you will remember in happiest of your nights..

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