Incredible India.

India, our country is a huge and a beautiful land full of wonders. From the Himalayas to the Indian Ocean, from Thar desert to the snowy mountains of Sikkim, it is a country full of beautiful sights and beautiful people. India is a unique country with diversity.

India is a country where people change with location. Every state has its incredible beauty of heritage. Every state has its own story. We have a unique culture which has devolved over centuries. There is much diversity among us. We speak many languages, worship many gods and yet we have the same spirit, the spirit of India. We have great unity in our diversity.

Our country, because of the many beautiful locations, is the craze of tourists. The Taj Mahal, Fatehpur-Sikri, The Qutab Minar and The Red Fort are few of the many wonders which attract human curiosity. Kashmir has been described as a paradise on earth.  It’s a country of mountains, valleys, rivers and lakes and is a fit abode for the gods. Ooty, Nilgiris and the temples of south India, such as Khajuraho, Ajanta, and Ellora caves are the places we can boast of.

Indian life - her greatest strengths

It is the religiousness and the poise of India that has drawn people from other cultures to her. Yoga, which is so commercialized today and taught by anyone and everyone, is a product of the ascetic life of the sadhus. The fitness and self-discipline regime of the sages that has been practiced over centuries is now being sold like instant food over the counter.
The respect for life, be it a tree or a plant or an animal, is so deep that you find them being worshiped all over the land. Elders are always the ones who make the decisions in the families. Joint families, where the parents, their children and grandchildren all live under one roof, are so common. Sometimes even cousins, uncles and aunts live together.
Modesty and decorum is a virtue that was common in India until the advent of the influence of international television and multinationals operating in India. India has seen her share of change. Yet, she is in her heart, the modest, respectful, spiritual and peaceful country that she has always been.
The extravagance of Indians can be seen on special occasions like marriages in the family, when all that has been saved is used to treat family, friends or maybe even entire villages. Festivals are also wonderful days to look forward to. Festivals are colorful affairs; homes are cleaned, painted and decorated, new clothes are worn and the whole neighborhood gets to have a share of the sweets and the goodies that are common to all festivals. Sharing is the reason behind festivals. Happiness shared is happiness doubled.
Art and culture in every form is given a high degree of importance and is greatly respected. The Bharatanatyam or the dance of Bharat is sought after and learnt by people of all cultures around the world. The skill and beauty of these art forms is something that you have to see to believe

India is abundantly rich in dialects and languages. Twenty- two languages constitutionally enjoy the status of official language, Hindi being recognized as the lingua franca of the nation. From Kashmir to Kanyakumari and from Nagaland to Mumbai, Hindi is understood as the national language of India. Though different regions have their different regional affiliation they all are Indians. People call themselves Bihari, Punjabi, Kashmiri, Marathi, Gujarati, but feel proud to say that they are Indians.

I love my India. Yes, its underdeveloped, but it is one country that is and will always be on the radar of science, technology and advancement. India has been a blessing to many nations as she has lent out her brainy sons and daughters. The IT companies and IT-enabled companies will continue to depend largely upon India’s people. The world can cry foul, but India has made her mark on the world map of IT and technological advancements. India is thus, a land of such diversity, color and life and has unique qualities that draw visitors from all over the world. I love my India!

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