The festival of Chinese lights?

Diwali is approaching and the aura of shopping with the growing clamour for boycotting Chinese goods is on its charm. But, 'Does the boycott of Chinese goods affect the Chinese traders?' Dealers definitely say a big 'No'. 
Actually, Chinese dealers, very intelligently slashes their rates by 25% to 50% on various items including decorative lamps, Chinese lights, idols of Indian gods & goddesses. Many Indians have already stopped buying "Made in China" products but they are unaware of the fact that Indian brands now resort to "Make in China" for better margins. It's all business, and nothing is illegal about this. Afterall, Wallmart ( a big international store) is doing it for years. Small businessmen (and big ones too) from the nation purchase the goods from Chinese dealers, and then remove the chinese tag to sell them in an Indian market.
A trader once tweeted, "customers demand us to show both Indian and Chinese products, but most of them go for Chinese ones. " Yes they do so. And the reason is because Chinese products have very better quality, quantity and pricing (most importantly) and which Indian manufacturers lacks in. Ultimately, Indian manufacturers blends with Chinese ones and the process goes on. Now, Can it be stopped? No, it couldn't be stopped, until Indian manufacturers offers variety and competitively priced products. 
They must understand that, no consumer is a fool to go for a bad quality with a heavy price (relatively). They definitely go for a better quality product with a competitive low price. Indian manufacturers need to analyse the situation well and need to offer the best (relatively). 
Moral of the story is that, Chinese 'hand' is all pervasive in the globe, and if Indians have to compete , then they must have to offer the best quality, quantity and pricing also. 
Hope, our next Diwali shopping is expected to grow with the increasing number of "Made in India" products and we would feel proud of it!

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