Don't judge a book by its cover

Post : The popular idiom "Don't judge a book by its cover " has been interpreted in million times.  It has been interpreted in many ways and applied in numerous circumstances. Sometimes in different situations compel people to respond in various ways, but in some cases, appearance is often far from the reality. The person may not be known about real things.
                     It is  totally unwise to someone's worth: Socially, economically, spiritually merely by his or her current physical status. When some people are passing through critical or stressful situations so at that time, they overreact and anyone seeing them during such situations may perceive them as a mental patient. This phrase can also be defined literal meaning!!! Some really compelling novels and documentaries have unattractive covers. In other cases book's cover may be torn out but the content can be so inspiring and motivating that may create reader's interest. Similarly a book may have  extremely attractive cover but the content is not so really good and interesting.  Sometimes due to this  reason  reader will be getting bored.
                 This idiom probably has its base in the belief that beauty of inside is more important than beauty of outside it can be a person or a book. someone's character and ability are not the ones that the world can see but the ones that the hidden deep in the person nature, belief, Action and the most important it's mind.
                       Sometimes you may have experienced this things which which has written in above sentences. The whole world is looking just outer  but nowadays there are very few people that can see inside ability its nature, Action. But according to me those people who just see in the outside beauty it will lead to a regret after a long time of period. While on the other hand, those people who see the inside mind or inside beauty and things there always always been happiest people in the world and they are never regret on their judgement but also they felt proud to that estimation.
                   If we talk about long term benefits so at that time the second type of people that is inside viewers are always and benefits. Now just correlate this things with the books,novels, documentaries or diaries. it is so similar as we discussed above things.That are not just things or great thoughts but also it is the real fact and the reality of human nature.
          Human beings will first attract to easy things by its but very few of them are intelligent and see the inside beauty of that particular things. This is how the  normally our mind is work.
            The value of something is not always obvious from what we see on the surface, so we should save our judgement until we have more experience for that I would like to give an example that a man may look very small and insignificant but according to this phrase  'don't judge a book by its cover' he may be very powerful in his work or professional.
            At the end I would like to conclude this topic's  discussion that no matter how open minded a person make claim to be, everyone makes preassumptions  about the other based  strictly on the first impression. Don't go by their physical look always try to deep into it.


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