Invention Of Windmills

Wind Energy :

Most of us are already aware of wind power or wind energy.It is the power that is obtained from the energy of the blowing wind.It is used to generate electricity and currently it is the second fastest growing source of electricity in the world with a global installed capacity of 432,883 megawatts.Wind energy is a renewable source of energy as it does not lead to any reduction in the amount of fossil fuels available on the planet . Also it is a non polluting source of energy as it does not affect the environment adversely,nor does it produce any green-house gases,radio-active or toxic waste.This fact makes it even more significant for power generation.How-ever,have you ever thought how power is generated from wind energy?What makes it all happen and in what way?If not,the below mentioned content is surely going to help you get through with your curiousity.
 Wind Mill  :

The wind mill or the wind turbine is a device that is used to convert the wind energy into electrical energy,earlier used for pumping water.Even though the concept of using wind power for grinding and water pumping originated in eastern Persia,the first windmill to generate electrical power was invented in Scotland by Prof James Blyth.

However,earlier in 1854 Daniel Halladay had already invented a wind-mill but its basic use wasn’t power generation.It was more farm oriented, to pump water on farms and ranches.


The wind turbine or wind mills have large blades consisting of propellers . The turbines are connected to generators to generate electricity.As the wind blows , the turbines start rotating.The wind energy is converted to kinetic energy and further to mechanical enery.This mechanical power is then used to perform tasts like grinding grain and pumping water.The blades rotate around the rotor which inturn is connected to the shaft that spins a generator to produce electricity.Thus how the mechanical energy is converted into electrical energy.

Storage :

Electricity generated through wind turbines can be stored for later use in batteries in the form of compressed air.It is generally stored either in above ground tanks or under ground caverns.

  Benefits :
Wind energy offers the cheapest eclectricity option to the customers around the world,specially America.Apart from this,there has been a cut in the cost of power generation through wind energy due to technology upgradation.Hence it is proved beyond doubt that wind energy serves a excellent source to satisfy the increasing demand for power and electricity,be it the current or the future senario because of the well stated fact that it is cost effective,pollution free and abundantly available !

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