The Perfect Course and travelling the Road less Taken

keywords:   course selection, peer pressure, staying ahead

                                                  'Two roads diverged in a wood, and I -
                                                      I took the road less travelled by
                                                     And that has made all the difference.'

You're at the crossroads of your final year at at school. This is a critical juncture where you have to take a crucial decision that will determine the future course of your career. It is a time when one faces constant pressure from parents, relatives, friends and teachers on which course to opt for. Many a time, we succumb to this pressure and end up taking a course that our parents wished for rather than something we wished for. This is one of the major reasons why the  final year at school is considered to be a decisive year as students are put in situations where they face the twin challenges of tackling the incessant pressure from all directions and choosing the right course.

Society has always taught us to be part of the crowd rather than be the one who leads it. Students are forbidden from choosing an offbeat course. Peer pressure also contributes to this. In such circumstances, choosing the right course is a daunting task. Farsightedness and a keen awareness about our learning capacity are decisive factors in the course selection process. With a plethora of choices right before us it is difficult to choose the right one. Here are certain steps that can be followed before jumping into conclusions.

How to choose the right course


Research about the course

  • Do extensive research on the subject you wish to pursue. Consult your teachers and those who have proper knowledge about the course. Always make sure that you have thorough knowledge on the course. After all, there is no use crying over spilt milk.

Talk to the alumni

  • After you have chosen your preferred course, the next step is to select the college offering such an option.Talk to the alumni of the college. This is the best way to know the true story behind a college. It helps us to read between the lines. Often, colleges project a rosy picture to woo students. Magazine rankings listing top colleges that offer the best courses are also not reliable. Students have to make sure that the college will provide a good atmosphere where they can develop their capabilities. Instead of blindly believing everything in its face value, having contacts with the alumni of the college will help us to know more about the activities and accomplishments of the college.

   Follow your heart

  • Have the courage to face opposition. The one reason why students seldom opt for unconventional courses is the thought of 'What will people say?' This is also why parents are unwilling to let their children study what they wish to even if they may be open to it. The fear of facing criticism from the society weighs down on one's desire to choose the road less taken. The only way to tackle it is to discard the feeling of what others might say and develop the courage to follow one's heart.

Stay ahead of the curve

  • Improvise the course you've chosen by learning courses related to it. For example, if computer application is your subject, training in skills like coding and programming will help you  stay a notch ahead of your peers. A holistic approach to learning can reap huge benefits in future. 

Keep your sunny side up

  • After you've selected your preferred course and you start learning the subject, you may feel that this was not what you had in mind when you opted for it. Your dream course that you chose out of your own will may have its own flaws. The college which offers the course may not be living up to its promises or your classmates may not be as keen as you are to learn the subject. Be ready to accept those flaws. Recognize the positive aspects of it.  Always bear this in mind: 'Life may not be the party you wished for but while we're here, we might as well dance.'( Jeanne C Stein) 

There is no such thing as the 'perfect course'. The very idea is a myth. What does exist is your ability to accept challenges. Along with this, constant perseverance and commitment are also key factors that will enable one to reach the top. In the end, it is your decision to listen to your inner calling that will have saved the day.

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