Issues of sexuality in youth


It is more than a person's sexual parts. It is orientation of a person whether the person is interested in males  females or both. Sexuality is a person's sexual orientation or preference.
There are four types of sexual orientation :
1. Heterosexual
Heterosexual people have a interest in opposite sex.
Bisexual people have interest in both males and females.
Transgender people are born with a reproductive or sexual anatomy that doesn't fit the conventional definition of being only female and only male .
This concept of other sexes are misinterpreted in Indian society and there is discrimination done with LGBT people.
Intersex person : It is a general term used for a variety of condition with which a person is  born with a reproductive or sexual anatomy that doesn't fit the conventional definition of being only female and only male . These people generally go for corrective surgeries but still they are not fully accepted in the society. There is an imbalance in power relations, It means Lesbians , Gays , Bisexual and Transgender ( LGBT ) persons. These people face inferiority in society. The violation of human rights in formal discrimination and lack of power that LGBT people are subjected to often cause a high level of fear and psychological stress among the victims . Always feeling terrified of an incident or event also leads to self esteem and often lets the person feel helpless , without power and unable to take any action to improve one's situation .
The LGBT people prefer to stay silent about their sexual orientation and want to remain unrecognized because of the disrespect they get in the society.
There are very harsh rule in some countries for the people with deviated sexualities. In Namibia and 
 South Africa , The president has stated that homosexuals should be put behind bars and must be deported from the country. Other countries also give punishments to LGBT group and repress the punishment to some extend. These countries gives milder punishments for consenting homosexual. For example- India and Botswana. Youth are most often target of intervention and control of adults . They are dependent on the adults in their close vicinity and lack many of the experiences and skills needed to find one 's way in a world that excludes and supresses.
But the situation is getting better , studies show that many young people on average start to become sexually active much younger that the age of 18 years. By depriving young people information about sexuality come a sexual orientation and gender identity they are at a risk of health hazards , identity problems , and discrimination . LGBT youth organisations have particular challenges in their voice heard. LGBT issues have been dealt in various view and UN forums. UN human rights monitoring bodies have emphasised on the basis of sexual orientation is prohibited under international legal standards. Poverty is also a major reason for this discrimination.

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