Happiness and Contentment

"See, My father purchased me an IPhone, am damn happy" Shivangi exclaimed amongst her friends.
"Aww, It's awesome Shivangi" Pratima said while laughing at front and blaming her parents at back of her mind.

Such is the mindset of Indian society these days. People run after materialistic wealth for happiness. One who has the most expensive phone brags himself to others so that others feel low of themselves. Nobody knows the true meaning of happiness and the one who is out there looking for its meaning will waste his entire life because source of happiness is different for different persons. A child becomes happy on getting plaything, a scientist feels happy with his research, a writer like me feels happiness in placing his views in front of others.

"Real happiness is cheap enough,
Yet how deary we pay for its counterfeit"

                                                By Hosen Bolsein
You may have heard the phrase "In pursuit of happiness". The image that comes into my mind is of racing dogs that get nothing in end. A mighty king may not be happy with his wealth whereas a beggar in tatters can experience happiness in his life. A much better goal of life than being a racing dog is to be contented. But here, what is contentment? According to me, contentment is inner feeling of satisfaction which doesn't mainly depends on external factors. So the main motive is to be contented in life.

Happiness is nothing but appreciating simple life experiences. It's not about acquiring material wealth that gives temporary happiness. The insatiable hunger of man towards material wealth never ends. Here it reminds me of some lines:

"Happiness comes from spiritual wealth; not material wealth,
Happiness comes from giving; not getting,
To get joy; we must give joy to others & scatter it."

                                                By John Templeton

Real happiness is gained when we enjoy the present. Real happiness doesn't come from everything you want, but comes from sharing what you have. A positive person can seek happiness even from his sorrows. Even person who has experienced sorrows has a desire in his life which is far better than a passive soul. Lastly,

"Learn to be your own best friend first then you will find true happiness,
Because happiness is from Within"

                                               By Gugu Mona


  1. Wonderfull analysis

  2. I am glad to see your views about "Happiness and contentment" & I hope u will send other articles ASAP..

  3. Hi!Yash
    Is happiness, satisfaction & need are the same thing?

    1. Though they are not same thing.. They are intimately connected to each other. Maybe i will write another post for it.

  4. Such a honest and pratical thoughts dude..its brilliant


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