Deciphering The Meaning Of Teenage Life

In some ways being a teenager is the hardest chapter in your life. At this stage of your life you're trying to define who you are, not only to everyone around you but also to yourself. Teenage is a glorious period irradiated by Hopes and Dreams. However dark the present may be, the future is bright and the best is yet to come.

Teenagers have to struggle with different aspects of their lives like Image, Gender, Identity, Self -Confidence and a pool full of Emotional Issues. Whether a girl or a boy both have to struggle for creating an image that is respectable and publicly acceptable. It is a stage for developing self-confidence in exploring new fields and aspects of life and how can you neglect the Roller Coaster ride of emotional drama that a teenager goes through. Everything is like a continuous cycle that takes you from one level to the next.

 "It takes courage to grow up and become who you really are"

At this age what matters the most is the company you keep. A good or bad influence can bring a drastic change in a your life. It's our choices that shows what we truly are, far more than our abilities.
Along with the company or friends you keep a teenager also needs support from their parents time to time. A balance of every spice is essential at this age.Teenage is one big party, free of care and responsibilities.

"Being a teen can be tough. Just try to surround yourself with really good  friends that really have your back" 

Peer pressure has always been present and will also be present.It is an influence, either a negative or a positive one. Teenagers usually feel peer pressure when they feel unpopular between their friends or when they want to be accepted in a group of other teenagers.Unfortunately, tenagers who want to be a part of these groups need to follow certain unpleasant routines, such as stealing, smoking, taking drugs or drinking alcohol. At times like this correct guidance is very much necessary by the correct person and that correct person could be either parents, teachers or some friend.

"Drama, Lies, Tears........Teenage Years"

Enjoy the teenage years to the fullest. Don't let the fear of failure or rejection stop you from enjoying your life or choosing your own path. Sooner or later things will fall in place and remember it's just the beginning of  a new phase of life so live it and make the best out of it.


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