Time is awlays uneven.Sometimes life brings us to a two-way situation where we wouldn’t know where to go.Sometimes it gets hard to hold on and work things through.There are times when we start losing hope and things start falling apart.All these things bring us to hault where we feel broken and worthless.
We start losing our calm and restlessness takes over.we start building up tension,stress and an unhealty mental space.We start losing our peace of mind unaware of the fact that it is the only way to resolve averse situations.It is therefore required for all of us to keep our peace of mind irrespective of all the hurdles that come midway and here is how we can do it :
Some say life is struggle.Some say life is a celebration.The truth is,life is pretty much what you make it for yourself.It only depends on what you choose to believe in .
Yes , ofcourse!This is the precise level of optimism we need to have in our life and optimism only comes from a strong belief system.
You are only fooling yourself if you try to please others and start losing your peace of mind in the process.You do not have to get affected by what others think of you.you do not have to destroy your mental peace because what they have to do or say to you.You do not have to change yourself according to their judgements .
This is what you need to tell yourself each day :
“ My mental space is only mine.The image I have of me in my mind is the representation of my own thoughts,my own emotions.No soul,no power , no circumstance can hurt me,destroy me,upset me or break me from with in . Nothing that this world has to offer can bring me down.Because only I have the power to do that to my self.It is only when I surrender my powers to someone else that they get the authority to affect me in any negative manner ! ”
“ You don’t have to take anything personally.Nothing others do is because of you.What others say or do is a projection of their own reality,their own dream.When you are immune to opinions of others you won’t be a victim of needless suffering ! ”
You need to know that nothing that went wrong with you is because of others and the same goes for them.Nothing that went wrong with them is because of you or because of something you did with a good intention but did’nt work the way it was supposed to.
You need to believe in your intentions.You need to let go of that guilt.You need to let go of that unnecessary hurt you are building up inside.You don’t have to take it personally.Infact you don’t have to take anything personally !
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