
Insomnia, also known as sleeplessness, is a sleep disorder where people have trouble sleeping. They may have difficulty falling asleep, or staying asleep as long as desired. Insomnia is typically followed by daytime sleepiness, low energy, irritability, and a depressed mood. So these was the most accurate meaning about insomnia.

The major factors about the Insomnia is seen now-a-days in the teenagers. Almost 30%-40% teenagers are facing such problems. Insomnia is due to more tensions, over thinking, over-pressure, living style, etc. Teenagers mostly stay up late at night using their phones to chat, videos, games, etc and have to wake up early in the morning because of their regular classes and schools, colleges. These has actually unbalanced the life cycle and has lead to insomnia.

Due to these people stays tired, irritated, less energetic, depressed, lonely, sad for the entire day. Eventually they are not able to do their work productively, and are not able to keep up with their mental and physical health. It spreads the negativity and so new good thoughts are also not developed.

Its a serious matter. Proper sleep is very much necessary for keeping our body, immune system, health at par. Sleeping at proper timing is necessary. Unnecessary staying up till late should be avoided and a balanced schedule should be followed by teenagers. Parents, teachers should explain childern about proper sleeping hours.

Today's youth is our future. Its very important to see that they follow the right path and understand the importance of everything. If they are fit, the country, the society, the living style will be fit.

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