Every month has 30 or 31
days except February. Did you ever tried to find out why this is so? With the
help of this article you will be able to find out the answer of the above
raised question.
The shortest month of the
year seems to have gone by in a flash. Why does February have only 28 days?
It's the Romans' fault. Our
modern calendar is loosely based on their old, confusing one. Though records on
the Roman calendar are sparse and sketchy, legend has it that Romulus, the
first king of Rome, devised a 10-month lunar calendar that began at the spring
equinox in March and ended with December. It is unclear whether there were any
official months between December and March, but it's likely they were left off
because the wintertime wasn't important for the harvest.
The second king of
Rome, Numa Pompilius, decided to make the calendar more accurate by
syncing it up with the actual lunar year—which is about
354 days long. Numa tacked on two months—January and February—after December to
account for the new days.
The new months each had 28
days. But that didn't sit well with Numa because even numbers were considered
bad luck at the time. So, he added a day on to January, giving the year an
odd-numbered 355 days. No one knows why February was left with 28 and remained
an unlucky month. It may be related to the fact that Romans honored the dead
and performed rites of purification in February. (The word februare means
"to purify" in the dialect of the ancient Sabine tribe.)
The 355-day calendar
couldn't stay in sync with the seasons because it didn't account for the amount
of time it took for the Earth to orbit the sun. So, an extra
"intercalary" month of 27 days was inserted after February 23 every
couple of years or so to even things out. The pontiffs who were in
charge of calendar upkeep didn't always add the extra month on schedule. (Some
officials took advantage of the system to extend their time in office, for
In around 45 B.C., Julius
Caesar commissioned an expert to put aside the lunar origins of the Roman
calendar and make it sun-based, like the Egyptian one. Caesar added 10
days to the calendar year and an extra day in February every four years. (The
leap-year day was inserted after the 23rd, the same time as the old intercalary
month.) Now, the year averaged out to 365.25 days, very close to the actual
average length of a year: 365.2425 days (and even that varies).
Some have speculated that
Caesar added a day to February when he reformed the calendar—making it 29 days
long. The story goes that when the Senate renamed the month of Sextilis to
honor the emperor Augustus, that day was subtracted from February and
added to August in order to make it equal in number to July—the month named for
Caesar. But this theory is now believed to be bunk; it's likely that Julius
never even added a day to February.
Now I hope that you have
understood this years of old mystery.
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