On the sets of Kaun Banega Crorepati !- Tenzin Dasel

Image result for field tripI pulled the curtains and looked up at the sky hoping it’s orange with the early rays of the sun, that it is a hustling city with a beautiful sunrise. Who was I kidding? A rather gloomy day it was, cold and wet. I sighed as I made my way to the elevator, a group of girls catch my sight. They were all giggles and excitement. I did do my little bit of research on what KBC really was about the previous night, what I concluded was; it was  perhaps a real life ‘Slumdog Millionaire’ show.
Image result for field tripAs I reached the cross roads, I spotted a mob of what I thought would be a few handful of us going on the trip. I see the Class Representative taking roll call, I join the queue and make my way to the bus. The bus was buzzing with excited people as the journey began. My fellow friends sang and played games. I started to sink into my thoughts about how it would feel to finally see an actual shoot, the camera works and the cast and how they work, and also the fact that a much loved celebrity would be hosting the show. The green blur passing images disturbed my thoughts and I noticed trees and some beautiful scenes, in awe I twist and turn. After all it wasn’t all mega buildings and claustrophobic traffic.
I slept for the rest of the journey, until a sudden halt jolted me off my sleep. We stopped for the much needed break, bought some more snacks and I snuggled back to my seat and slept again. I woke up sweaty, and horribly uncomfortable with the humid air. It had probably taken 5 -6 hours to reach the set as we arrived at 12. The bus took an arduous search for a parking lot, I ran out when we were permitted to leave the bus to freshen up which made my urge to use the loo even worse. Little did we know we were in for more queuing and waiting to get the ID. Then we were slowly allowed to walk in through the first security check after which we were served lunch.
We gathered again, lined up went through another security check. Gadgets weren’t allowed inside the set. Our phones were collected and had been taken care off by the class representative. As I walked into the set what seemed like rundown warehouse from the outside I was gobsmacked by what I saw inside. The set was rather small from what I overheard my friends saying, probably was the camera trick that made the set look big.
Related imageThe set was well designed, the lighting and all the camera set was impressive. I was led by a crew member to sit near where the dolly was set up, I realized I wouldn’t be in the spotlight rather relieved, I sit down comfortably. AV is all about behind scene work, thus I was anticipating for a glimpse of a professional work behind scene work. While my attention was all on the camera movements which were being tested before the actual shoot, the audience flooded in and filled up the empty seats.
The contestants were seated already, I noticed that they all came from different cultural  back ground because of how they dressed up, and realisation struck me that  this show  wasn’t only about winning money  but also brought together all of those different culture. India is indeed a land of diversity

The crew member briefed us on the proceedings of the show on how to  react, clap, cheer on the set. With a couple of warm up questions for the contestants and the audience the shoot was finally ready; Mr. Bachchan walked on the set. I felt the enthusiasm of crowd and that’s when I understood the magnitude of Mr.Bachchan’s fame and how big of a personality he is. He sat down on the famous hot seat, his makeup artist followed him to do touch-ups. When the shoot began it went on smoothly. Unlike the long expected shoot, it was short and several breaks were taken in between. While the shooting began the dolly was used for crane shots, which was moved mechanically by some lever and manual pulling of ropes. The camera man moved back and forth for close up shots. There were two-three retakes which was carried out effortlessly, Amitabh Bachchan had to say certain lines and the camera was ready to shoot as soon as he was ready.
Related imageBefore the wrap up, Amitabh Bachchan took group photos with the the contestants and the audience, I too had an opportunity to take a picture with him along with those who sat behind scene. He also shook hands with his fans, and even conversed for a little while. He then walked down the stage where I had the chance to see him enter his dressing room. All of this felt delusional, as I walked back to the bus. Everyone was calling their parents or friends telling them about this almost delusional trip. So this was what the KBC trip was about.  It was my first glimpse to the industry and how it works. It also was my first field trip as a First Year Student, this had me hoping for more wonderful and fun filled field trips.
On the return journey, the bus was quiet. Everyone tired and sleepy. It had been a wonderful day for me, as an international student being able to go on a set which seemed to be one of India’s most well received T.V shows and to actually see a celebrity of a totally different country is something quite extraordinary.  I remember vivid images of the trip as I slipped into deep slumber.

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