Durkheim was born in the after-math of the French Revolution in 1858. Modern
sociologists believe that while Aguste Comte gave the subject its name and
ambitious prospects; Durkheim gave it academic credibility and influence.
In 1897, he
published his famous book, Suicide which
is considered to be a classic text in Sociology. This book has been described
as groundbreaking, because it shows an in-depth case study of suicide that
revealed that there can be social causes to suicide. It was also the first
book, which talked about the sociological view of suicide. According to Durkheim,
suicide is not an individual act nor a personal action. It is caused by some
power which is over and above the individual or super individual.
During his
research for book, Durkheim looked into the differences between Protestants and
Catholics. He found a lower rate of suicide among Catholics, and theorized that
this was due to stronger forms of social control and cohesion among them than
among Protestants.
He also
found that suicide was less common among women than men, more common among
single people than among those who are romantically partnered, and less common
among those who have children. Further, he found that soldiers commit suicide
more often than civilians, and that curiously, rates of suicide are higher
during peacetime than they are during wars.
Based on
what he saw in the data, Durkheim argued that suicide can be caused by social
factors, not just individual psychological ones. Durkheim reasoned that social
integration in particular is a factor. The more socially integrated a person
is--connected to society and generally feeling that they belong and that their
life makes sense within the social context--the less likely they are to commit
As social
integration decreases, people are more likely to commit suicide.Durkheim
developed a theoretical typology of suicide to explain the differing effects of
social factors and how they might lead to suicide.
1) Anomic suicide – It occurs when a
person experiences anomie -- a sense of disconnection from society and a
feeling of not belonging that result from weakened social cohesion.
2) Altruistic suicide- It happens when
there is excessive regulation of individuals by social forces, such that a
person will be moved to kill themselves for the benefit of a cause or for
society at large.
3) Egoistic suicide happens when people
feel totally detached from society
4) Fatalistic suicide occurs under
conditions of extreme social regulation that result in oppressive conditions
and a denial of the self and of agency.
His theory
has been criticized by many sociologists on some grounds. A sociologist named
Douglas said that sometimes, families might not be honest to the police. They
might tell the police that it was an accidental death, because if a person committed
suicide, it was seen as a disgrace by the society.
sociologists believe that his theory does not define suicide properly. Their
argument is that individuals place different emphasis on their actions. Individuals
might react differently in different situations.
Whatever the
criticisms may be, it still continues to be one of the most advanced works in
the field of Sociology
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