Bhangarh fort: Legends and stories

Our country is a mystical country and has a large number of forts, palaces and other monuments that possess their own charm and aura. Each of these monuments contributes to our vast and growing culture. Each of the monuments in India, possess their own enigma. One of the most interesting monuments is the Bhangarh fort which is located in the Alwar district in Rajasthan. It is an architectural masterpiece but for years, it has been known for its strange aura and experiences that people have had in there. It is considered one of the most haunted places in the world.
There are a lot of legends that surround the fort. One of the stories is about Guru Bala Nath, who was a hermit who lived in the area. He had sanctioned the establishment of the town and he had said, that if the shadows of the palace touched him, the city would be no longer standing. But his curse was ignored, and one of the descendants built the palace in a greater height. This led to him cursing the city, and people who lived in that city evacuated the palce overnight. Thus, the palace was also abandoned.
The more famous story is of Singhia, who was a well versed occult magician. He used to live in the area of Bhangarh, and he had fallen in love with Ratnavati, who was the princess of Bhangarh. Legends say that Ratnavati was a very beautiful princess, who had many suitors. Singhia, decided to make her his wife as he was hopelessely in love with her. Since there was no way to attain her, he decided to turn to his magic skills. He used black magic to enchant the oil which was used by her. If the princess touched the oil, she would be hypnotized by it and she would also surrender herself to Singhia.
However, the princess learnt of his intentions and she was very angry. She threw away the enchanted oil in rage. The bottle of enchanted oil touched a stone and the stone in turn rolled towards Singhia and crushed him. In his last moments, Singhia blurted out a curse. He cursed the royal family and anyone who resided in it. The very next year, there was a battle between the kingdom of Ajabgarh and Bhangarh and in the battle, the princess Ratnavati died.
Locals believe that the effect of these curses is still present today and they do not dare to venture into the fort. However, because of the stories,Bhangarh fort has become a popular tourist destination among the youngsters. There have been reports of terrifying incidents that have occurred inside the fort walls.

The Archaeological Survey of India has put up a signboard outside stating that the entry of the borders of Bhangarh is strictly prohibited before sunrise and after sunset. Some people have also said that there is a strange feeling in the atmosphere of Bhangarh, which causes symptoms of anxiety and restlessness. But still, it continues to be a popular destination.

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