Things to be learn before your old-age.

And the list goes on like this,

  1. Live alone for at least a year. Learn to live by yourself. Learn how to take care of your own basic needs. Besides, living alone also allows you to have real private space and time for a good amount of self-talk.
  2. Start a business. Pick up commerce skills. Learn how to serve a group of customers, how to create a product, how to manage the finance, how to not starve and die without a job. It can be anything. You can invent something, you can sell your expertise as a service, you can even be a connector of a solution to people who have the problem.
  3. Fail fast, fail often. Failures teach you more than success does. Regardless the reason you failed, you will definitely learn something from it. Pick up lessons from the failures. Do this during your 20s, you will thank yourself in your 30s, 40s, 60s, 70s and so on.
  4. Cultivate habits. Create a vision for yourself and set goals that are aligned with the vision. The next step is to take action that contributes to achieving your goals. As 90% of our daily activities consist of our habits, learning how to cultivate successful habits in your 20s is crucial. Get good at identifying bad habits (remove them) and good habits (cultivate them), and always practice consistency in everything you do.
  5. Fall in love. It might hurt and leave you heart-broken, the point is not to gain anything from a relationship, but to learn how to give and contribute your time and effort to someone else. The relationship is not a place to gain, but a place to give. Besides, a relationship is the mirror for oneself to reflect and grow.
  6. Learn to love what you do. It’s a choice. It’s a learnable skill. Most people are talking about finding your passion, leaning forward to your true calling, and do only what you love. Why don’t we learn to love what we do? We could put a little more effort into what we are doing, acknowledge our strength, and strive to improve by a little every day. Doing what we love and loving what we do are different.
  7. Build genuine connections. Meet people in real life. The internet makes connecting easier but it can never replace it. Share your insights and contribute whatever you can to people around you. Actively listen and genuinely learn from people around you too. Build a tribe, not business transactions.
  8. Read at least n number of books. Reading is literally picking the brain of the author. You're gaining a new insight or idea that probably took the author 20 years to figure out, in 20 minutes. Read as much as you can in your 20s, and implement those lessons in your real life.
  9. Master a skill. The 20s is the time where we can't settle for anything. But one key of success in life is the ability of delayed gratification. Yes, you want to do what is cool, you want to make money fast, you want to be the guy who knows everything, but you will suffer if you do that in your 20s. Instead, stick to something, never dabble, opt for mastery.
  10. Acknowledge your position. Get clear about what is truly important to you, know your vision and mission, figure out your strengths and weaknesses. And know your role in society - in your family, career, and relationship.
  11. Get Your Heart Broken. It is definitely not the most pleasant experience in life. Unfortunately, it is inevitable. However, it is the invaluable lesson everyone should go through. Get your heart broken to learn the hard way how cruel and tough the life can be.
  12. Realize That The Life Has Already Begun. The sooner you do this the sooner you will be able to start doing the things that matter. Every decision matters and every choice counts. There is no interlude. Nor is there a trial version. Therefore, strive to live a meaningful life now.
  13. Write An Article. Develop a strong point of view regarding the particular issue and do your best to express your thoughts in the best way possible. Get your voice featured on the popular outlet and praise yourself for this small accomplishment.
  14. Master A Valuable Skill. Your ability to apply your knowledge and produce some great results is what lets you stand out and makes others pay you for your services. Opt for mastery and strive to become the best at what you do.
  15. Live Abroad For At Least A Year. Living abroad is not always fun and easy. This experience is often full of struggle and difficulties. Learn how to adapt to and survive in unfamiliar environments. Learn how to meet new friends and get used to a different culture.

  16. Define Your Goals. Make sure you are not going to float along after you are 30. Make sure you get closer to the things you want to accomplish with every step you take. Make sure you know what you want and channel your energy towards attaining your goals.
  17. Get Into Challenging Environment. If you are not willing to start stagnating too soon, surround yourself with the people that are smarter, stronger and faster than you. They will motivate you to catch up and become better than you ever thought possible.

  18. Disclaimer-
    *This is a self-generated answer which may vary from your opinions. Author has made researches for this answer and then make it favourable for all. Hope you like it.*

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