The pressure we all face

The first point I want to make in this speech is that peer pressure is NOT a bad thing. We all are influenced by our peers, both negatively and positively. It helps define who we are and how we feel about subjects in our lives. It is how we chose to react to peer pressure that defines who we are as an individual. Are we a leader or a follower? Both types of people are needed to make the world go round.
Basically, the difference between negative and positive peer pressure is the outcome. The  
reverse of the situation above is negative peer pressure. The situation itself is positive peer pressure. Or is it? What if a teen really doesn't like sports, but pushes himself to do it to please his friends or to be accepted? It can be as simple as your classmate asking you to copy your homework and as difficult as your friends wanting you to try drugs for the first time. Negative peer pressure takes place when someone tells you to do things that you know or feel is wrong, hurtful, or dangerous. Words can hurt. Friends can make you feel so pressured into doing something, you feel you have no choice but to go with the flow. After all, who wants to be called "chicken"? They might tell you, "It's no big deal." or "Everyone's doing it."
Life is about making decisions and each decision you make will lead you down a different path. Weigh the pros and cons. Understand the negative consequences that can result from a decision YOU make. (By giving in to negative peer pressure, you might get grounded, you could lose people you thought were your friends, you could be put in jail.) trust yourself to make the responsible choice. Be honest with yourself. Are the risks involved worth damaging your own self-respect? 
 Dealing with Peer Pressure .Oh look, those are the new jeans everyone are buying, hey do you want to get high, smoke this. Have you ever been in a situation like this, where you just purchased an item or said yes to something that you feel regretful for just to fit in with other people? If you have then you have gone through the social anxieties of peer pressure.Many times in a teenagers life there are choices that have to be made. Many of the choices us teenagers make are influenced by peer pressure. Sure, I had obsession with many trends growing up, but later on in life I heard a quote that really aimed at my thoughts, the quote was The shoe .does not make the man, the man makes the shoe. After hearing the quote I thought about what I did in my life to fit in, and realized that what a person wears, buys, or listens to, doesnt create who a person is. Peer pressure throws out the thought of being who you want to be peer pressure is more reminiscent of be like everybody else. Taft High School is a perfect example of how teenagers deal with peer pressure. Being at High School for approximately a year, I have noticed all the fads, trends, and crazes High goes through

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