Those were the days when children were more socialised rather than social mediatised. Those were the days when children spent more time on the ground rather than inside the house. For every person born in between 1990 to 1999, his childhood memories would always be golden and one to cherish about.
Kids of that era were either obsessed with cricket or with those Japanese cartoons. That early Sunday morning matches were one of the most cherished moments. After those matches when you come home half tanned and spent the whole evening just thinking about the game. One of the best times of our lives.
The schooldays were just great, you used to get up early in the morning and get ready to go to school. Though during those days we practically hated going to school, we cherish for those days and wish that it would be great if we could relive it all again.
The life of a 90 kid could be divided into three parts
· The childhood
· The teens
· Post-teen
The childhood days of a 90 kid would have been amidst his family, friends and all well-wishers. He spent quality time with interacting with them face to face rather than on Facebook. The learnt the life lessons from elders not from some virtual content on YouTube. They played street cricket on the street, not on the screen. The happiest moments were made on the ground not online. They shared their happiness with people in reality not on virtuality.
The 90s kids learnt life the better way than most of these ages children and they were the last one to do so.
The teens of the 90s kids were around the 2000s. This was the time when the technology sparked and many technological advances came in. the internet world bloomed on. People started using cell phones, so were the kids. The 90s kids are considered to be lucky as they have lived both the non-technological and technological era. These were the time when the game centres bloomed and children used to spent time playing computer games. The most played game among the kids would be the WWE PAIN. I still remember me and my friends going to centres to play the games.
These were the times when Japanese anime became popular in India. Every eve by 5 kids used to watch POKEMON, BEYBLADE, DRAGON BALL Z. These shows are a masterpiece when compared to present day cartoons.
The post-teen part started early of the 2010s and these were the time when almost every household had internet connections and people had computers. The virtual life of the kids began during these times. They started exploring the virtual world of FACEBOOK, INSTAGRAM, TWITTER, YOUTUBE. Some got addicted to the virtual world some survived it, in the overall scene the post-teen part was kind of similar to the present day children.
I would like to conclude that the 90s kids can be summarised in the era of three greats of Indian cricket
The childhood surrounded SACHIN’s game,
The teens were full of MAHI’s brilliant captaincy,
The post-teen is growing up with KOHLI’s aggression.
The simple comment on the 90s kids goes as follows
We lived two centuries, two millenniums, three decades and yet we are not 30!!!!!
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