SWOT analysis

A thorough analysis of our strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats is very important for success..
STRENGTHS: smiling face ,good temperament, to forget and forgive, flexibility, intuition, wit and humour, punctuality, positive attitude, human values etc.. sense of security also could be your strength. write all your strengths on a small piece of paper and keep in your pocket. you need not to display them.

WEAKNESSES: short temper, hatred towards some persons and some fellow animals like cockroaches, lizards, caterpillars etc without any reason , postponement, procrastination, laziness etc could be your weaknesses. write all your weaknesses on a big drawing sheet and keep it in your bedroom. strike off one by one once you overcome them.

OPPORTUNITIES: industry, business, software, marketing, construction are some of the opportunities. a successful person is who converts his threats into opportunities. for example: if a teacher is absent ,write a few points like G.K or a problem or a quote on black board or give a topic yourself and conduct group discussion...

THREATS: competition, political setup ,sex,c community, health, color  etc appear to be the threats of success but they are apparent only .some more threats could be :instant gratification ,looking for shortcuts ,selfishness and greed .lack of conviction, not understanding nature's laws,power of performance etc.when you study more bad more about people you'll be realizing that there are plenty of opportunities on hand..

after studying the SWOT"S,one should try to convert weakness to strengths .the threats to opportunities,retaining original strengths and original opportunities.While setting goals ,plan and organise yourself.Don't get distracted by your enemies like fear,hatred,ego etc.Train yourself.Tell yourself that you will be able to reach the goal..Those are stopping me and obstructing me from reaching my destiny are sent by god to test my will and patience .I must win in this contest and win over my enemies to be loved by god.Yes.nothing can stop me from reaching my goal..I"ll leave a permanent good impression in this world by exemplary .For excellence,three E"s and three P"s are required:environment,experience and education, and planning ,preparation and performance. Education is the divine manifestation in man..

Convert weaknesses to strengths:"tough time never last,but tough people do ; Winner never quits and a quitter never wins " .For example ,if you belong to a particular caste/religion, do not treat it as a threat. ,but as an opportunity. Some women think , I cannot succeed because I am a woman . In fact , All successful women might have thought otherwise : 'I could succeed only because I am a woman' .Of all those who were born so far ,the first three strongest persons are women - Madam Curie , Indira Gandhi and Mother Teresa. Thus , if you are a girl , don't treat it as a threat .Treat it really as a golden opportunity .

SWOT analysis brings a rational and positive change in behaviour..


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