Parting letter to depression

Dear depression,
As you have parted,I am extremely thankful for you to come into my life. I know it sounds weird to you but let me explain what you made me realize about life.Before your arrival into my life, I was in a very happy space. I was my class topper and everybody was envious of my success. I got into a prestigious institution in my state. I am always used for people treating me special. I always got the things I wanted in life. I think you first arrived into my world when I was basking in the glory of securing a good place in the prestigious institution. It all started with issues with my parents regarding my marks. They wanted more but I tried my best. I know I never met any people during my holidays nor I spoke about the issue of not meeting my parents expectations. Then I moved to college. I thought you were just a phase but you came back again after an year in college. I couldn't study well in college. I had issues regarding memory. There were times when I used to sleep all day long without going to classes. I always spent time in self loathing. My grades got down and you know the best part is I failed in two subjects. I couldn't believe it was happening in my life. I tried every single thing possible. Watching inspirational videos,books. But you had other plans na!! I lost my appetite, my so-called-friends and trust of my parents. Ok, now sad things aside!! Let me tell you the things you made me realize and cherish your tenure in my life

1.You should me the rock bottom I could ever reach my life. From a class topper to the least position in the class.

2.I was always used for people treating me special.Ever since you came I was tossed and turned by all the people for being stupid.

3.I always thought that my parents all wanted was marks from me.But you taught that all they wanted was my happiness. You showed me the other side of my parents. Thanks a ton.

4.I had a big circle of friends before you arrived. I trusted everyone easily. All I thought about friendship was having fun and spending money. But you taught me the value of friendship. You made me realise my true friends. My circle got short but I am in a very happy space than before.

5.You should me life is more than just academics. It is about travelling,meeting new people and have some conversations with random persons in life. It has been fruitful in many cases.

6.Last but not the least, you showed my true self. You made me find joy in small things in life. You showed me the other side of mine which I was not even aware of .

             Thanks again for coming into my life. 

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