Human mind, with the powers it possesses, generates myriad number of thoughts per day. But the downside is, around 80 per cent to 90 per cent of these thoughts are either about the past or the future. We spend hours contemplating the righteousness of our past decisions, crying over spilt milk and cherishing and rejoicing in the pleasant moments that belong to the time that has passed. Several sleepless nights are spent going over a past heart break or failure. Many-a-times, regret also becomes a part of the cluster of reasons.
There is the other side of the coin too. We also pass hours and days perhaps, living in the dream world we have built for ourselves, which include accomplishments in our professional commitments or success in our love life. This world is simply beautiful and perfect-with everything in place as we want. We lead a life of our design wherein we are at the forefront of our work area, our partner loves us like hell, we have an ideal family life and we are happy and content to the utmost.
But, as Professor Albus Dumbledore once said (and pretty wisely too), "It does not do well to dwell on dreams and forget the reality. "
Such experiences can definitely be pleasant, at least in the favor of the powers of mind, but they make us lose the very precious moments of present that we hold in our hands, that we have the power to change. Why do not we realize that thinking about the past and regretting it would only harm us by degrading our mental health and making us unproductive in the present? Is it not possible that the mistakes we committed in the past can be compensated for, if not rectified, by working hard in the present? Of course it is!
Similarly, will only thinking about the future as we want it to be, help us attain it? Do we not need to work hard in the present in the right direction to build it? Of course we need to do that! We often look up to people who are at the zenith of their careers-succesful entrepreneurs, world renowned writers and many others. What we 'overlook' is, the tremendous amount of hard work they put in, their unnerving will and determination that keeps them at it. Had they spent a large part of their time brooding on the events of the past or mistakened blisses of the future, they would not have been even near to where they are now.
There is not much point in going on with this issue as most of the people are too familiar with it. So, the crux is, live in today and for today. Do not have regrets, for whatever happens, happens for good. Do not be too mesmerized with your future too, or be much sceptical about it-life is absolutely random. You never know which day, which beam of sunlight that touches you, which drop of water you drink, which breath you inhale-might be your last. Life is to be enjoyed. So live in the moment, work hard and don't have a care about what happened and what may happen.
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