SUCCESS IS NOT EVERYONE"S CUP OF TEA..IT'S FOR THE ONES WHO ARE DETERMINED,HARDWORKING AND is not necessary that one who has talent will reach heights..because "hard work beats talent when talent stops working hard" ..

everyone wants to be a successful person...
So here are the do"s and don't"s for success:

1. Associate with people of refinement,culture,proved integrity and nobility because coal may be hot or cold I will spoil your hand ...

2.have high ideals,high goals. Avoid moving close with people having negative attitude.

3.always have a desire of learning ..keep that thirst of leading in you and you will certainly reach heights..

4.Never hate anything ..learn to love ,respect and be soft and caring towards animals because they are also the ones who need love..

5.Be the first one to wish.Don't mind if there is no response because some or the other day they will be's a great virtue to wish...

6.Talk to the people who are surrounding you irrespective of caste and religion because you get to learn and identify people around you..

7.Try to follow what your heart says...follow the right path..never lie rather tell the truth it might hurt but you will be satisfied..

8.never loose temper..react calmly because it is a sign of a good and successful person.take time to react..think wisely and act wisely...

9.never mind petty things and get affected by them.forgive and forget is the best thing to be done..

10. Don't weep for simple reasons.
Don't breakdown very easily ..because for being successful you need to bold ...

11. if anyone compliments you for anything.just say "thank you sir"..don't be modest.avoid exaggeration as much as possible...

12.always behave respectfully towards female members irrespective of their age,relationship,class.the females loves to work where they get respect...

13.always speak less,speak in low and sweet voice and to the point..if you will be harsh then it may affect your impression and may ruin your carrier also...

14. make reading books or listening to inspirational tapes or lectures a part of your will help you upto a greater extent...

15.practice self discipline,self motivation because what you can do to yourself no one else can..self motivation is the best way to boost yourself up..

16.practice hard work,simplicity,modesty..cultivate ethics,sense of humour.avoid being lazy and non cooperative person..

17.don't be narrow-minded.don't be narrow self -centred...

18.always give priority to the opinions of should learn good listening skills..for being successful you should know the art of giving respect to the views and thoughts of other persons working with you...

19.never talk ill of anyone in his/her said" great men discuss ideas,average men events and common men people ".so aim high and be a great person..

20.Always participate inn different activities of your is not guaranteed that you will win but it is guaranteed that you will learn ...

21.always use the opportunities that life offers because opportunity knocks your door only once it will never knock again.. firm and tactful..learn to say NO when its required..

23.never interfere in the matter of others..don't entertain gossips and loose talks..

24.never compromise with honesty..the more you are honest the more happy you are..the more you are admired...

25.try to learn something new today..explore yourself...the more you explore the better you become..

they are not secrets..they are as open as sky..
they are not new they are just the ways that will help you to fly..
success tells you to prefer hard work and don't get sigh..
its all the way you think just try try and try.....

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