A low day is in the life memo of every person. Time is never caring . Nor its annoying. Keep that in mind. Its just a doorbell that clicks excitedly or sometimes voraciously at your door. You cant hide from the guest.
However you can moderate the way you deal with it.
Depression hits every individual at least seldom. To call it as a very usual activity in life is not astonishing. Even for many, it bores in as a parasite and drains the synergy between your mind and body. The world had been and will remain forever a victim of it. However to get yourself bowed in front of it should not be the option. Losing and giving up are two different things. Accept the former; despise the latter.
Depression can be temporary, or even can be prolonged. The toll taking being the latter. So to classify yours, observe some signs as mentioned:-
- Low mood for continuous intervals of time
- Losing interest in most of the exciting things or your activities.
- Seeing life as void persistently.
- Diminishing communication with peers and family.
- Addiction to some relieving yet hazardous stuff like drugs.
- Self blame, low self esteem, lack of confidence and suicidal thoughts.
And so are many. These are not a big problem when you get such thoughts and then they pass by.
There stagnating effect in your mind can create problems. So how to tackle with very basic of tools? There is no Morse code . Just some simple steps:-
Accept the facts.
The more you run, the more your mind will chase you. Accept your problems and the real scenario.
Be a good observer of yourself. Note your thoughts without judging them as good or bad. Just observe there flow. Note what you feel about things that are worrying or bothering you. You can note them too.
Try to ponder if there is any cause for your low mood..
Change perception.
Try to look at the worrisome with a different angle.
E.g. feeling hostile in campus is annoying however in a way its the process of starting a new life and indication of making new connections .
Remember your thoughts and feelings are a signal, not facts.
E.g. you may feel guilty about not helping your friend at one point of time however the real point could have been your personal limitations for doing so.
Start admiring and making a positive image of yours.
The more you are optimistic, the better you fightback.
Stop procrastinating and waiting for any miracle.
Remember its only you who can turn the switches of your mind on and off.
Practice mindfulness.
Try being in present. Learn from past. And plan only a little for future. Stop judging your deeds. What’s done is done.
Connect socially even if you don’t want to.
You will have to persevere the inner denial and fear of connecting with people. Talk and share as much you can. Reduce your isolation.
There is never a perfect plan.
Stop thinking thee what ifs. Life is a bunch of risks
Activity dose.
Keep yourself busy . Find some hobbies, hangouts. Even dancing at your stereo can work. Stop sitting idle.
Meditate and exercise.
This helps increase ‘feel good’ hormones or
endorphins in your body.
Reach out.
Do take help from self help groups , psychologist or a psychiatrist . Don’t create taboo about them. You may find any diagnosis or other helpful stuff.
These things help a lot.
Remember , When the going gets tough, the tough gets going.
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