democracy really exist

LOOKING AT the profile of a politician in general, it seems quite convincing that politics is a dirty game and common people should stay away from it. But to my little personal understanding, politics is the first lesson we should learn and teach our progeny to be politically vigilant and conscious of our political rights. Politicians and politics should not be looked down upon but understood in context to our own existence and accordingly hailed or discarded.
We make a big mess of our lives by not actively participating in the political affairs of our country. We often give opportunity to people who hoodwink us betray and befool us by keeping us away from the active arena of politics and use us to give them power to rule us in their own interest and for the interest of those who cleverly plant them as peoples champions. Political awakening of the people will be a key to their economic prosperity and well being.Political awakening cannot come by Sarvashiksha Abhiyan or through any official education policy alone. Being well educated is no guarantee of one’s being politically aware to the same extent. Because political understanding comes through consistent study of the role played in the development of a particular society, by the historical and materialistic conditions of that given society. Political awakening cannot come by Sarvashiksha Abhiyan or through any official education policy alone. Being well educated is no guarantee of one’s being politically aware to the same extent. Because political understanding comes through consistent study of the role played in the development of a particular society, by the historical and materialistic conditions of that given society. Political understanding enriches the basic understanding of production, distribution and consumption relations in general and determines ones free will to participate in these relations and extent these with other constituents of society in particular. While as their is no dearth of such so called leaders who make peoples interest as a means to promote their own self interest and behind the projection of any and We are watching a similar situation in our country. Some people forget that they are strictly being watched, observed and understood by the countrymen, not in terms of what they state they have done for them but what actually they have been continuously doing since the last so many years, by leaving no stone unturned to make the best use of the different community forums in extending their self aspirations. even at the cost of any sacrifice the members of the society are willing to offer. 
While as their is no dearth of such so called leaders who make peoples interest as a means to promote their own self interest and behind the projection of any and We are watching a similar situation in our country. Some people forget that they are strictly being watched, observed and understood by the countrymen, not in terms of what they state they have done for them but what actually they have been continuously doing since the last so many years, by leaving no stone unturned to make the best use of the different community forums in extending their self aspirations. even at the cost of any sacrifice the members of the society are willing to offer. While as their is no dearth of such so called leaders who make peoples interest as a means to promote their own self interest and behind the projection of any and We are watching a similar situation in our country. Some people forget that they are strictly being watched, observed and understood by the countrymen, not in terms of what they state they have done for them but what actually they have been continuously doing since the last so many years, by leaving no stone unturned to make the best use of the different community forums in extending their self aspirations. even at the cost of any sacrifice the members of the society are willing to offer.  

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