Clothing tips evey girl should know

"Fashion is what you're offered four times a year by designers.
And style is what you choose"
                          - Lauren Hutton

Are you fed up with your old clothes?
Turn them into new by just doing some simple techniques.Fashion changes every day but it is not possible to shop everyday.Girls are always confused with what they should pick up for their wardrobe.

I have some tried and tested tips and tricks for you:-

1) Don't overflow your  closet
        - The first step is cleaning the wardrobe checking what you don't wear and what you don't want to; to make a space for new clothes.Old  things should go out  and you should make choices based on color and occasionally consider  donating your unwanted clothes.

2) Choose appropriate fabric
              - Appropriate fabric last longer and look stylish too.Long lasting and seasonal fabrics are available everywhere.

3) Take care of your clothes
           - Clothes should be kept with care as they are very important.When in a hurry you can tear your clothes so take care while traveling.Pack efficiently  and place thigs carefully in your bag.

4) Check that clothes work for you
             - Take your time and check out every angle.It is not necessary that fashion always suits on you.So wear whatever you are comfortable in and that matches with your appearance.

5) Always keep a spare dress for the
      big events
            - It is very important to have a spare garment because the future is uncertain.In case for instance an unfortunate thing happens with your dress it's better that  you have a backup plan.
  The only life hack with your  clothing is the comfort.Choosing fancy and extravagant clothes instead of thinking about your comfort should always be a red sign.Always wear something that is comfortable for you and something that shows you individually.

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