The class is mainly to teach the students the functions, parts and other things of electronic gadgets. This is done for the students to also have some managerial electronic in electronic gadgets . It is taught by a specialist teacher in the class where all things are made of wood so as to not catch shock
                                     The students re supposed to sit in their roll number  wise order and regularly bring their books without fail . If not the teacher would punish the student . many students ad liked the class very much and so had eagerly waited for the period to come .
                                     The class is attended once in every week and it is one hour long .the nature of the class depends on the mood of the teacher and that would determine the amount of work that he is
 going to give. the class helps the students to have a work on daily experiences like tubelight and other electronic appliances . there are some students who do not like the period / class as it is boring but no other go they have to .
                                     The worst part of that class is that the students have to go another room for that particular period from top floor to ground floor and after it ends again climb up to the top floor 


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